DOI: 10.20886/ijfr.2021.8.2.199-211Abstract
Form factors and volume models are often be used in the estimation of tree volumes. However, a few studies have developed and evaluated the accuracy of form factors and volume models for estimating tree volumes of community forests. This study aimed to formulate form factors and volume models and assess their prediction accuracy for estimating tree bole volumes of mahogany at community forests in Central Java. This study used 120 sample trees with diameters of 6–38 cm to formulate artificial and absolute form factors and to develop tree bole volume models. These form factors coupled with bole height and total height were used in simple volume equations. Regression analyses were used to develop volume models using the diameter and total height as predictors. The simple volume equations and volume models' prediction accuracy was evaluated using a cross-validation dataset and independent dataset (30 sample trees). The artificial form factor (0.68 ± 0.11) of mahogany, which was higher than the absolute form factor (0.46 ± 0.09), provided accurate estimates of tree bole volumes when it was used with the bole height instead of the total height. The volume model that uses diameter and total height produced the most accurate estimates, while the volume model that uses diameter alone provided the most practical yet reliable tool for estimating tree bole volumes of mahogany. The results of this study are useful for improving community forest management.
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