Development process needs lands as natural resources. Unfortunately, availability of land is relatively limited. Therefore, it needs releasing process of forestland to become non forestland. In the process of releasing the forestland, there are some policies which need stakeholders to consider so the minimum required forestland of 30% is fulfilled. Releasing forestland area is possible to undertake on non-productive forest conversion area which is also for the government agrarian reform programs which is called Nawacita. The objective of this research is tooffer answer about the indicative forestland which can be used for development needs, particularly for poor people who live near the forest. The results indicate that non-productive of conversion forest can provide land for development in Riau Province for about 205,847.86 hectares (93.01%) from the total conversion forest area based on agrarian reform program. Permanent forested land which needs to be maintained as forest area is 1,102.42 hectares, because most of the area are still primary forests. For the effectiveness of releasing conversion forest area, socialization programs to inform the community is needed.
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