price. The portion of the fish is used just only the meat part, but the head and abdomen of the fish portion were
thrown away regarded as a waste. The purpose of the study was tried to seek the content and composition of the
waste part of the fish abdomen containing accumulation of fat, especially for the polyunsaturated fatty acids
(PUFA) so the potency of PUFA as an essential nutrient.
The abdomen fish fat was analyzed for its water content, fat content, iod value, separation of the fat by thin layer
chromatography, and the content and composition of fatty acid by gas chromatography. The content and compositions
of the fish fat were as followed: oleic fatty acid as mono unsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) was 44,13%, linoic acid
as PUFA was 19,01%, and palmitic acid was 22,14%. For further uses each fatty acid can be separated through
fractionation according to its various temperature and its melting point.
Full Text:
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