binder material. The sludge raw material was dried and crushed until fine powder morphology, then the fly ash was
crushed again until through out 100 mesh and it blended until became homogeneous mixing materials. The raw
material compositions where added with epoxy resin, that is: 10 and 15 % from the total weight of raw material. The
sample testing was made by hand press method with dimension: 4 x 4 x 16 cm3. The testing of samples included:
density, water absorption, fire resistance, compressive, and bending strength. Microstructure analysis was used
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) method. The results show that polymer concrete based on fly ash - sludge and
epoxy resin binder is properly moderate, if it is compared to conventional concrete. The best result has the composition
of 60 % fly ash, 40 % sludge, and 15 % epoxy resin (% weight) composition, with its characteristics: density
= 1.93 g/cm3, water absorption = 0.74 %, compressive strength = 28 MPa, and bending strength = 12.8 MPa. The
polymer concrete that has been made is suitable for building material application, especially in the water or submerged
area, and it also has light weight concrete specification.
Full Text:
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