Autor(s): Wahyudi Wahyudi
DOI: 10.20886/ijfr.2017.4.1.27-35


The biodiversity richness of tropical forests in Papua provides substantial livelihood necessities for most forest people. This includes Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs), under-valued, neglected, or minor forest commodities that play a key role for the entire livelihood of  the forest people. This paper highlights the diversity of  NTFP marketed by the local people of  Papua at traditional markets in Manokwari, West Papua. Data were collected from twenty respondents selected randomly from two local markets at Manokwari and field visits to surrounding (primary or secondary) forests, and analyzed using simple statistical analysis. The result indicates that 29 NTFPs commodities were on the market, and grouped into vegetables (9), food (4), fruit (7),  medicinal herbs (4), tools (3) and addictive material (2). These commodities give alternative incomes, create unskilled jobs to the female-forest dwellers at Manokwari, and provide daily fresh vegetables and nutritious products for local customers. The marketed NTFPs are harvested from surrounding primary or secondary forest areas of  Manokwari. Banana is the most favorable commodity in high demand either serving as food or fruit. Sago (Metroxylon spp.) is the only commodity supplied from other areas out of  Manokwari, mainly from Wondama, Biak, Jayapura, and Serui. Annual events of  Christmas and New Year create the highest demand for sago processed to papeda, that represent cultural or heritage food for most of the Papuanese family gatherings. Cultivation of  these NTFPs has to be seriously considered for sustainable harvest due to the current extensive harvesting from the nature which will deplete the resources if  no intensive cultivation carried out. To sustain availability of fresh daily needs, and provide alternative income to local people, local government, forest institutions, universities, non government organizations, and motivators need to work together to gain added value and secure sustainable supply of those NTFPs.


Non-Timber Forest Products; local market; West Papua

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