DOI: 10.59465/ijfr.2024.11.1.17-32Abstract
Cardamom (Amomum cardamomum), the ‘Queen of Spices’, is a native Indonesian spice and a type of potential biopharmaceutical currently prospective because of its high selling value, especially for its fruit, with various benefits and wide use. So far, cardamom essential oil comes from the use of its fruit, but production is limited. Therefore, its leaves have the potential to be developed as a source of essential oil since they are more abundant and available all year. In cardamom farming, low light intensity due to shading effects in agroforestry and low nutrients could stimulate the production of specific secondary metabolites. This study aimed to analyze the cardamom leaf essential oil (CLEO) yield and 1.8-cineol content of CLEO grown in agroforestry systems. The CLEO was obtained by steam-water distillation, while the 1.8-cineol content was analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The experimental design employed was a randomized block design with three cropping patterns, namely Falcataria moluccana + cardamom (FC), F. moluccana + cardamom + arrowroot (FCA), and Monoculture cardamom (MC) as a treatment and three doses of bokashi manure as blocks. The results showed that the highest CLEO yield was generated in the FC agroforestry pattern of 3.16%, and the highest 1.8-cineol content in CLEO was generated in the FCA pattern of 47.23%. The lowest CLEO yield and 1.8-cineol content were found in the monoculture pattern of 2.02% and 43.16%, respectively. Compared to monoculture practices, agroforestry practices have the potential to increase the CLEO yield and 1.8-cineol content, which will be prospective in forest management to support forestry multi-business and social forestry programs.
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