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Umemura, Kenji, Laboratory of Sustainable Materials, Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji 611-0011, Kyoto, Japan
Umroni, Aziz, Forestry Research and Development Institute of Kupang, Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Utama, Ferzha Putra, Information System Engineering Faculty Universitas Bengkulu
Utami, Sri, Applied Zoology Research Center of National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Cibinong, Bogor 16911, Indonesia
Utomo, Singgih, Forest Management Department, Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University
van Noordwijk, Meine, World Agroforestry Centre
Varol, Tuğrul
Vatresia, Arie, Informatics Engineering Engineering Faculty Universitas Bengkulu
Veriasa, Thomas Oni, Center for Regional Systems Analysis Planning and Development (CRESTPENT/P4W), LPPM IPB University
Verma, Sweta, Department of Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi – 835215
Wahjono, Djoko, Center for Forest Productivity Improvement, Forestry Research and Development Agency
Wahyudi, Wahyudi, Faculty of Forestry, Papua University, Jalan Gunung Salju, Amban, Manokwari Barat, Amban, Manokwari, Kabupaten Manokwari, Papua Barat, 98314, Indonesia
Wahyuni, Ika, R & D Unit for Biomaterials, Cibinong Science Center - LIPI
Wahyuni, Ika, Research Center for Biomaterials, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Cibinong Science Center, Bogor 16911, Indonesia
Wahyuni, Resti
Wahyuningrum, Nining, Forestry Institute on Watershed Management
Wahyuningrum, Nining
Wahyuningsih, Siti, Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Serat Tanaman Hutan
Wahyuningsih, Siti, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Wahyuningtyas, Reny Setyo
Waluyo, Totok K., Center for Research and Development on Forest Engineering and Forest Product Processing Jl. Gunung Batu No. 5. Bogor 16610, Indonesia
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