The development of the Aek Nauli’s Forest Area with Special Purposes (KHDTK), as one of the national priority
tourist sites in the Lake Toba catchment area, needs to be carried out in support of North Sumatra ecotourism. This
study examines the roles and functions of the parties involved in ecotourism management’s development. Primary
data were obtained from the results of discussions, FGD, and filling out questionnaires by respondents determined
purposively from both government and community groups. The analysis was carried out using the stakeholder
analysis method to determine the parties’ roles and functions. The study results indicate that the most interested and
influential parties are KLHK, BP2LHK Aek Nauli, BBKSDA North Sumatra, and BOPDT. The Parties which have low level of interest but have high influence are Bappenas, Kemenkomaritim, Kemenpar, Ministry of PUPR, Bappeda
North Sumatra, and Bappeda Simalungun Regency. The Parties with a high level of interest but low influence arthe surrounding community, such as Pokdarwis (Kelompok Sadar Wisata), and cooperation (koperasi). The party
that has a low level of interest and influence is PHRI. Coordination and communication are needed amongst the
parties to carry out the national program in developing tourism priorities at KHDTK Aek Nauli correctly.
Keywords: KHDTK Aek Nauli, The National Priority Tourist Site, Ecotourism, Danau Toba Area.
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