ANALISIS SPASIAL POTENSI RESAPAN AIR UNTUK MENDUKUNG PENGELOLAAN DAERAH ALIRAN SUNGAI (DAS) UNDA PROVINSI BALI (Spatial Analysis of Water Infiltration Potential to Support The Management of Unda Watershed in Bali Province)
Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Unda masuk dalam kategori DAS prioritas, yang sebagian wilayahnya termasuk kategori lahan kritis. Kondisi penutupan lahan dengan dominasi kerapatan vegetasi rendah berimplikasi terhadap rendahnya kapasitas infiltrasi dan resapan air, sehingga berpotensi memperbesar aliran permukaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi potensi resapan air sebagai dasar perencanaan kegiatan pengelolaan DAS. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode skoring dengan 4 parameter, yaitu jenis tanah, penggunaan lahan, kemiringan lereng, dan curah hujan. Analisis data spasial dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Perumusan rekomendasi kegiatan pengelolaan DAS dilakukan secara deskriptif, berdasarkan hasil analisis potensi resapan air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kondisi resapan air di daerah penelitian tergolong baik (22,54%), sangat kritis (18,20%), normal (17,92%), dan agak kritis (7,99%). Kegiatan pengelolaan DAS yang direkomendasikan yaitu reboisasi secara periodik, pembuatan teras bangku/teras tradisional, pembuatan sumur resapan/lubang biopori pada daerah pemukiman serta integrasi peran kelembagaan DAS dari hulu sampai hilir secara sinergis
Kata kunci: Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS), daerah resapan air, potensi resapan air, DAS Unda, Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG)
The Unda Watershed is categorized as the priority watershed, which part of its area is degraded land. The condition of land cover with the dominance of low-density vegetation has implications for low infiltration and water absorption capacity, so that it has the potential to increase surface runoff. This study aims to identify the potential for water absorption as the basis for watershed management planning. The method used in this study is scoring with four parameters, namely soil type, land use, slope, and rainfall. Spatial data analysis uses Geographic Information System (GIS). The formulation of recommendations for watershed management activities is carried out descriptively, based on the findings of the analysis of water absorption potential. The results showed that the water recharge conditions in the study area were classified as good (22.54%), very critical (18.20%), normal (17.92%), and less critical (7.99%). The recommended watershed management is periodic reforestation, construction of bench/traditional terraces, construction of infiltration wells/biopori holes in the residential areas, and synergistic integration of the roles of watershed institutions from upstream to downstream.
Key words: watersheds, water catchment areas, water infiltration potential, Geographic Information System (GIS), Unda watershed
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