History Journal of Watershed Management Research (Journal of Watershed Management Research)
Jurnal Penelitian Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (Journal of Watershed Management Research)/JPPDAS is a scientific publication in the fields of land and vegetation management, soil and water conservation, land rehabilitation, hydrology, social, economic, institutional, remote sensing, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) that supports the development of watershed management technology. This journal has been accredited “Rank 2” by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education in May 2019 (SK Number: 14/E/KPT/2019) which is valid from Volume 2 Number 1 in 2018 to Volume 6 Number 1 in 2022. JPPDAS is published in two editions and one volume per year, in April and October.
This journal was first published by the Watershed Management Technology Center (WMTC) in April 2017 with e-ISSN: 2579-5511 and p-ISSN: 2579-6097. Furthermore, starting from the second edition, in October 2017, this journal has been published by WMTC with the Indonesian Soil and Water Conservation Society (MKTI). In 2021, the Watershed Management Technology Center (WMTC) changed into the Center for Implementation of Standards for Environmental and Forestry Instruments Solo (BPSILHK Solo) by the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 26 of 2021. Therefore, the publisher's name was changed to the Center for Implementation of Standards for Environmental and Forestry Instruments Solo (BPSILHK Solo) with the Indonesian Soil and Water Conservation Society (MKTI). Meanwhile, the name of the Secretariat was changed to Center for the Implementation of Standards and Instruments for Environmental and Forestry Solo
Open Access Policy
Jurnal Penelitian Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (Journal of Watershed Management Research) or JPPDAS is an open-access journal. This Journal does not charge article processing fees or shipping charges. All manuscripts submitted to JPPDAS under the open-access publishing model. In this publishing model, the paper is reviewed by reviewers and under the control of the editorial team. The manuscript will be published electronically and accessible on our website. The authors may also use the published pdf for non-commercial purposes on their personal or institutional websites. The user has the right to read, download, copy, or print the full text.
Ristekdikti Accreditation |
Jurnal Penelitian Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (Journal of Watershed Management Research)/ JPPDAS has obtained the accreditation status with 2nd ranked of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI) by Letter of Ristekdikti Number: 0385/E5.3/KI.02.00/2022, June 06, 2022 which will be valid from Volume 5 Number 2, 2021 until Volume 10 Number 1, 2026. |
Posted: 2022-06-06 | More... |
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Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Penelitian Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (Journal of Watershed Management Research)
Jurnal Penelitian Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (Journal of Watershed Management Research) vol 6 No 2 Tahun 2022 berisikan 6 artikel dengan tema debit banjir, potensi resapan air, karakteristik vegetasim hara nitrogen dan karbon organisk tanah, dinamika perubahan lahan, pencemaran sungai, hubungan keragaan biofisik dan morfometri.
Jurnal Penelitian Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (Journal of Watershed Management Research) vol 6 No 2 Tahun 2022 merupakan edisi terakhir yang diterbitkan oleh BPSILHK Solo dan MKTI. Edisi selanjutnya akan dilanjutkan oleh Badan Riset Inovasi Nasional (BRIN)
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Table of Contents
Esa Bagus Nugrahanto, Slamet Suprayogi, Mohammad Pramono Hadi, Rissa Rahmadwiati
W Wiyanti, Ketut Dharma Susila, R Suyarto, Moh Saifulloh
Jaka Suyana, Wisnu Krismonanto, Endang Setia Muliawati, Hery Widijanto
Davik - -, Latief Mahir Rachman, Yayat Hidayat, Iwan Ridwansyah
Firdha Nurhikmah, Mery Selintung, Syafruddin Rauf
Sunarti Sunarti, Diah Listyarini, Agus Kurniawan