Author Guidelines
Aim and Scope: Scientific manuscripts published in Jurnal Penelitian Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (Journal of Watershed Management Research) are the results of research that contribute as scientifically in watershed management. The journal scope inclede : land management; water and land conservation; land rehabilitation; hydrology; social; economics; institutional; Geographic Information System (GIS); and Remote sensing that support watershed management technologies. The manuscripts has never been published anywhere.
- LANGUAGE: Scientific paper (KTI) is written in Indonesian or English
- FORMAT: The manuscript is typed on an A4 paper (210 x 297 mm), calibri size 12, and 1.15 space. Margin on all edges are 2.5 cm. The manuscript is submitted in MS words format, with a page length of 8-20 pages.
- TITLE: Title of the scientific paper should be short and informative, no more than two lines and reflects the contents. The title is in Indonesian and English. The title in Indonesian is written in Calibri, font size 12, bold, uppercase, center. The title in English is written in calibri, font size 12, italics, sentence case, placed between parentheses. Avoid the use of verbs, formulas, abbreviations, and unofficial language.
- NAME OF AUTHOR (S): Listed below the title, complete name without the academic degrees, the sequence based on the first author, second etc., accompanied by complete institution addresses and email addresses.
- ABSTRACT: Abstract is written in English (Italic font) and Indonesian, no more than 250 words, written in one paragraph, concise, clear, and complete, . It consists of research problems, methods, and research findings.
- KEY WORD: Three to five key words reflect the substantive of the research, separated by semicolon.
- INTRODUCTION: Introduction must contain background of the existing problems, state of the art, important of the research and the purpose of the research.
- MATERIALS AND METHODS: Location of the research is described geographically completed with a map of the study sites. Materials and instruments used should be clearly defined. Research methods are described in detail (research design, treatments, experimental design, methods and scale of analysis, and other related methods) so that it can be repeated by other researchers. Published methods must be included the source.
- RESULT AND DISCUSSION: The research results must be clear and short. The presented data have been analyzed and relevant, prepared according to the purpose of the research. Data and information in the tables, graphs, and pictures need to be conveyed with the correct meaning or interpretation. In the discussion, data are interpreted according to the objectives, the hypothesis (if any), explained why it happened, put forward relationship with the results of previous research, and proposed citation of the appropriate literatures.
- CONCLUSIONS: The most important results of the research are presented in the conclusions used to answer the objectives, hypotheses and other findings during the study. Conclusion is not a repetition of the abstract, but elaborates of significant research results. The conclusions contain suggestions which are the implications on further research.
- TABLES : The title of table, column, row, data source and description are written in Indonesian and English (Italic font), short but clear and not bold. The font size of the table title is 10 with spaces 1 and capital letter at the beginning of the sentences. The table is given number according to the description in the text. The use of comma (,) and dot (.) in the table indicate the value of fraction/ decimal and roundness of a thousand. Table descriptions are placed under the table. The table should be in MS Word format. Tables can be uploaded using a separate file (supplementary materials) by giving mark table positions on the manuscript. Table does not use vertical lines. The horizontal line lies in the top column heading, subheadings and at the end of the table (the closing table). If the table is cut off due to page changes, the header is displayed again on the next page. The table should mention its source. If the table is the result of primary data analysis, then it can be written as a data analysis and accompanied with the year.
- GRAPHS/FIGURES/PHOTOS:Graphs, maps and other illustrations in line drawings should be in contrasted, numbered sequentially. Title and contents are written in two languages, Indonesian and English (in italic), numbered sequentially with its explanatory. The title is in font size 10 with capital letter at the beginning of the sentences. Graphs can be uploaded separately (supplementary materials) from the main file (KTI manuscipt) in MS word format by giving mark the chart position in the script. Image resolution is at least 300 dpi. The titles and graphs are placed in the center. The image must specify the sources. If the image comes from a private collection, it can be written as a private collection with year.
- FORMULA: Formula is typed in font size 10. Each presented formula should be numbered sequentially in the script. The sequential number is bracketed and parallel to the formula connected with dots to the right margin of the manuscript.
- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: It is recommended to convey gratitudes to the organization or person who has assisted the author in any form.
- REFERENCES: It contains all references that are actually referred to. Thus the references included in this section will be found written in the previous sections. The way to edit and write a bibliography refers to The American Psychological Association (APA) style 6th. To make it easier and keep consistency of citation and bibliography writing, it is necessary to use free downloadable applications such as Mendeley ( download-mendeley-desktop/). The references are arranged according to author's name alphabet. Eighty % of the literature is published in the last 10 years and 80% comes from primary reference sources, except for textbooks of certain sciences.
- Book :
Hooper, B. (2005). Integrated river basin governance learning from
international experience. London, UK : IWA Publising
Morgan, R.P.C. (2005). Soil erosion and conservation (3th ed).
Malden, USA.: Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Bren, L. (2015). Forest hydrology and catchment management : An
Australian perspective. Dordrecht : Springer.
- The part of the book :
Roni, P., Pess, G., Hanson, K., & Pearsons, M. (2013). Selecting
appropriate stream and watershed restoration techniques.
In P. Roni, & T. Beechie (Eds.), Stream and watershed
restoration. A guide to restoring riverine processes and
habitats (pp. 144-188). Wes Sussex, UK : John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd.
Lusiana, N., Rahadi, B., & Haji, T.S (2014). Evaluasi daya dukung
kesesuaian penggunaan lahan untuk mitigasi resiko bencana
banjir di DAS Tempuran Kabupaten Ponorogo. Prosiding DAS
Terpadu untuk Kesejahteraan Masyarakat, tanggal 30
September 2014 di Malang (pp.472-487). Surakarta :
- Regulation and the like :
Kementerian Kehutanan (2014). Keputusan Menteri Kehutanan No.
SK.61/Menhut-II/2014 tentang monitoring dan evaluasi
Daerah Aliran Sungai. Jakarta : Sekretariat Jenderal.
- Journal :
Example one writer :
Hack, J. (2010). Payment schemes for hydrological ecosystem services
as a political instrument for the sustainable management of
natural resources and poverty reduction a case study from
Belén, Nicaragua. Advances in Geosciences, 27, 21–27.
Example two until seven writer :
Varhola, A., & Coops, N. C. (2013). Estimation of watershed-level
distributed forest structure metrics relevant to hydrologic
modeling using LiDAR and Landsat. Journal of Hydrology, 487,
Travelletti, J., Delacourt, C., Allemand, P., Malet, J. P., Schmittbuhl, J.,
Toussaint, R., & Bastard, M. (2012). Correlation of multi-
temporal ground-based optical images for landslide monitoring:
Application, potential and limitations. ISPRS Journal of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 70, 39–55.
Example Eight until more than eight writer :
Hager, G. W., Belt, K. T., Stack, W., Burgess, K., Grove, J. M., Caplan, B., … Groffman, P. M. (2013). Socioecological revitalization of an urban watershed. Frontiers in Ecology and the
Environment, 11(1), 28–36.
Note: For the number of authors up to seven, the entire author name is listed. For more than eight authors, then the first six authors are listed entirely and the seventh author until the last author is written in the form ...... The final author is written as the first six authors.
For more authors can use the template that we have provided in the header in this OJS system or can be downloaded in here.